For that I made a tutorial on how to bypass or resolve the WARNING problem: linker: Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1 = 0x8 in termux, that is, with the script created by AnikHasibul he just uploaded the script about 16 hours ago on his github. This script is to bypass or solve the problem WARNING: linker: Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1 = 0x8 in termux is very simple and easy. Immediately you see the following tutorial.
How to bypass / fix a problem WARNING: linker: Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1 = 0x8 at Termux
1. Install git and golang , using the command:
$ apt install git golang
2. Let's download the script to bypass or fix WARNING Problems: linker: Unsupported DT_FLAGS_1 = 0x8 flags on termux, using the command:
$ git clone
3. After you download, go to the wsh directory using the command:
$ cd wsh
4. Run the following command:
$ go build
5. After running the above command, run the following command:
$ mv wsh $PREFIX/bin/
6. Then run the script with the command:
$ wsh
7.) Then you are asked to enter your preferred shell, choose bash, and you can also run wsh and you also bypass the WARNING problem: linker: Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1 = 0x8.
So hopefully it will be useful for all of you, so you will see you in another interesting article.
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